Wcoop Main Event 2016

The WCOOP Main Event ended this week as Jonas “llJaYJaYll” Lauck held firm on his ICM deals and took down the first prize. (Photo: WSOP)

The PokerStars WCOOP has survived grumbles about payouts and re-entries (or lack of) to end with a bang. The 2016 online showpiece finished this week with a Main Event worthy of the series.

The latest World Championship of Online Poker ended with a $5000 Main Event, following 81 tournaments of varying buy-ins and talent pools. And it was Germany’s Jonas “llJaYJaYll” Lauck who capped off a great series with the Main Event trophy.

Lauck won $1,517,541.25 for his troubles after a protracted and complicated ICM deal. And it looked at the final table as though Jonas Lauck wouldn’t be following in the footsteps of compatriot Fedor Holz, the 2014 WCOOP Main Event champion. “llJaYJayll” was on around 8.3 million chips going into the final nine, some way behind “Gambler4444” on 16.8 million and “uknowProsky” on 32.3 million chips.

  • Germany's Jonas Lauck, an accomplished live and online player with millions in cashes, won the 2016 WCOOP Main Event for $1.5 million, beating a field of 2,091.
  • Tο World Championship of Online Poker 2017 έχει πλέον τελειώσει. Συγχαρητήρια σε όλους όσοι έλαβαν μέρος και στον ‘SvZff’ van Zadelhoff, ο οποίος κέρδισε το Main Event με $10.915.000 εγγυημένα και έλαβε το τεράστιο έπαθλο των $1.624.502.

And the German was in trouble early on when he ran his A-K into “Olorionek”‘s A-Q. A queen on the river doubled the short-stack and crippled Lauck even more. He was left with just nine big blinds.

Aces Save “llJaYJayll”‘s Day Again

The WCOOP Main Event, Event #78, will cost $5,000 and will be held on September 25th. It will have a $10 million guaranteed prize pool with $1.5 million guaranteed to the winner.

Lauck was thrown a lifeline when he found aces against “Gambler4444″‘s queens. “Let’s start from the beginning,” the winner quipped as he regained his FT starting stack.

After “deadfizh” and “gorodski” departed in 9th and 8th, things started to get exciting. Again, “llJaYJayll” picked up aces and shoved after a re-raise from “uknowprosky” with jacks. The board ran in the German’s favour and he found yet another timely double-up.

“llJaYJayll” finished the player off with a flush a few hands later, and took the chip lead to boot. With five players left a deal was attempted but “R_Scientist” was the lone voice wanting to carry on playing. Even after “axpitos_86” bust in fifth, a deal wasn’t made. Even after a four-handed deal was close, “llJaYJayll” decided he had the momentum to keep going. And soon he was up to 50 million chips.

“Gambler4444” fell in fourth to cap a great online series for him. The player recorded three final tables in all over the 82 events. And “llJaYJayll” would dispatch “R_Scientist” soon after with K-J against 8-8.

“llJaYJayll” Makes Heads-Up Count

The decision not to make a deal turned out to be a good one for “llJaYJayll” as he headed into the heads-up phase with a 61 million-to-42 million chip advantage. After an hour’s play, the advantage had nearly been closed before a key pot emerged.

After a raise, three and four-bet, and all-in, the chips were in the middle as “llJaYJayll” flipped over A-K. “0409479” was in slightly bad shape with A-Q, and the king on the flop was enough to leave “0409479” with just a single big blind.


Predictably, the final bb was in the middle on the next hand, “llJaYJayll” sealing the deal with A-7 against 4-8. A $1,101,278.90 payout was still a huge consolation for the runner-up.

For Lauck, the win added to what is already an impressive live haul. The German pro has over $1.3 million in live tournament cashes. Just this year he has racked up cashes on the EPT, LAPT and WSOP.

WCOOP Sets Record For Turnouts

2,091 runners (including re-entries) had turned out online to battle for the $1,517,541.25 Main Event first prize this year. 224 players shared out the prize cash, with everyone at the final table guaranteed a six-figure payout. The runner total was 100 up on last year’s (1,995) but slightly down on the year before.

In all, however, the 2016 WCOOP managed to pay out over $73.5 million across its 82 events. That marked a record for PokerStars and sets them up well for next year’s series.

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Mo Nuwwarah

Jonas 'llJaYJaYll' Lauck emerged as the World Championship of Online Poker $5,000 Main Event champion, taking home $1,517,541 for his efforts in defeating a 2,091-player field. Lauck is an accomplished live player as well, but this win alone is worth more than his $1.3 million in live cashes. No deal was made at the final table.

Lauck joined a club of past champions that includes Fedor Holz (2014), Yevgeniy Timoshenko (2009), Carter King (2008) and JC Tran (2006).

Official Final Table Results


According to the PokerStars Blog, the final table began with 'uknowProsky*' holding a wide chip lead with over 100 big blinds, about double the next-best stack of 'Gambler4444'.

Things began anything but promisingly for Lauck as his ace-king fell to the ace-queen of 'Olorionek' when the latter spiked a queen on the river. Lauck was left with 2.8 million at blinds of 150,000/300,000. Shortly thereafter, Lauck got it all back when he was dealt aces against the queens of Gambler4444.

Queens did do the deed for 'axtipitos_86', who used them to eliminate Finnish player 'deadfizh' in ninth when the latter jammed over an open with nines and found no improvement from the community. Malta's 'gorodski' fell shortly after that when he jammed about 10 big blinds with and failed to get anywhere against the of uknowProsky*.

The tournament flipped seven-handed when uknowProsky* went from chip lead to bust in seventh. First, Lauck doubled through him with aces against jacks. Then, Lauck finished him off in a race, making a club flush with all in preflop against uknowProsky*'s fours.

'R_Scientist' of the U.K. ran into a nasty cooler when his kings were no good, after a preflop raising war that saw axtipitos_86 turn over aces. However, a king on the river sent the pot R_Scientist's way, and axtipitos_86 was left short and busted in short order, though he did manage to outlast Olorionek and take fifth, losing a race to Lauck eventually with tens against .

That hand came after deal negotiations fell through and they commenced again with four left. Lauck was the one unwilling to agree to terms, as he asked for more than independent chip model (ICM) payouts. His refusal to bend his terms ended up being a fruitful decision.

Gambler4444 lost a race to '0409479', and, with his last 12 big blinds, pushed in with from under the gun. 0409479 proved his executioner as he woke up with and held on after a flop. Lauck then won a flip with eights against the king-jack of R_Scientist and it was heads up between he and U.K.-based 0409479.

Lauck had about a 3-2 lead but the players were fairly deep with 0409479 having over 60 big blinds. The match took over an hour, as each player held the lead more than once. The players were nearly even when they got in a preflop raising war that ended with a five-bet shove from 0409479 holding . Lauck had him crushed with and a board of meant victory was all but assured for the German. The tournament concluded one hand later and both players walked away with seven-figure paydays, while Lauck was crowned WCOOP champion.

Wcoop Main Event 2016 Calendar

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Wcoop Main Event 2016 September

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