Mybookie Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones season eight is going to be a fun and wild ride. I have to give the win to MyBookie here. Playing a sheer numbers game, they just have more bets to offer, and they’re all pretty engaging. XBet technically ties for first, while Bovada comes in next. The Game of thrones odds have been revealed for Season 8 and it appears that Euron Greyjoy is bound to meet his maker while Bran could survive.

Thrones has released their odds for the final season of Game Of Thrones. Mybookie has a variation of available bets including: “Who Will Rule Westeros?” “Who Will Be The 1st Topless Character Shown?” and lastly the first Game Of Thrones character to be killed off in the final season. Since Television prop bets ( The Bachelor ) are my speciality, I am going to breakdown a couple of scenarios that may take place.

Here is a 1st look at the Final Ruler Of Westeros Odds For Season 8:

Mybookie game of thrones 2

Pretty much what everyone thought the list was going to look like. Jon Snow and Danny are an obvious lock. Both of them are just so beautiful, and everyone knows that sex sells. Besides that, I think that it can be an agreed upon consensus that over all these two characters are a majority of the fans favorites. Especially if you’ve been watching the show from the beginning, and have watched them climb out of the gutters they have been in. That being said, everyone knows how thrones loves to destroy what we love. It would be such an HBO/R.R. Martin move to kill them off. Who has both the honor, and the proven ability to rule and govern the people of Westeros? None other than the half man himself, Tyrion Lanister. Right now Tyrion is +1000. Unreal. That 100 bucks to win 1000. If you’re a betting man (or women), than this bet has to turn you on. This is not only realistic but also a big time money maker. Sure you could make the boring pick of Jon or Danny, but hey live a little, put your money where my mouth is. Because once this show is over, and Tyrion is sitting on the iron throne, you’ll be sitting there looking for the rope store not only because Jon and Danny got killed off, but because you did not take my advice and bet the mortgage on the Imp. I am surprised however how little respect Cersei Lannister is generating.

Here are the first look odds on which Game Of Thrones Character Will Die.

Mybookie Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode

Now this one is a bit more interesting. Soooo many ways that the show could take this one. I think an obvious pick here is Yara. Last time we saw her she was getting dragged away by Euron Grey. They never said that she was dead but lets be honest. She isn’t that important of a character and it would be so easy for HBO to kill her ass off immediately. But like I said earlier this pick is so bland that its not even worth it. If you’re looking for a money maker, I think the best choice here is Gendry +1400 to die first. Who doesn’t love Gendry? Great guy, loved him when he was on the show. Still loved him when he didn’t appear for 2, or was it 3 seasons? I don’t know, doesn’t matter. What matters is that he is back. The brought him back last season and everyone was hype. “Oh yeah Jon and Gendry going to fuck up some white walkers this will be sick!”. Well Gendry got hurt almost instantly. Can’t quite remember what happened but he was immediately sidelined. Lets be real here, the guy is a bigger liability on the battlefield than Ryan Gosling was a cornerback in Remember the Titans. He is also a fan favorite and we all know what they like to do to fan favorites. All this taken into consideration I think you have to put your money on Gendry here.

All this being said, we really have no clue what HBO is going to do with this next and final season. All we know is that this season is going to blow our minds, just hopefully not our bank accounts. has released their odds for the final season of Game Of Thrones. Mybookie has a variation of available bets including: “Who Will Rule Westeros?” “Who Will Be The 1st Topless Character Shown?” and lastly the first Game Of Thrones character to be killed off in the final season. Since Television prop bets ( The Bachelor ) are my speciality, I am going to breakdown a couple of scenarios that may take place.

Mybookie game of thrones tyrell

Here is a 1st look at the Final Ruler Of Westeros Odds For Season 8:

Mybookie Game Of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1

Mybookie Game Of Thrones

Mybookie Game Of Thrones Tyrell

Pretty much what everyone thought the list was going to look like. Jon Snow and Danny are an obvious lock. Both of them are just so beautiful, and everyone knows that sex sells. Besides that, I think that it can be an agreed upon consensus that over all these two characters are a majority of the fans favorites. Especially if you’ve been watching the show from the beginning, and have watched them climb out of the gutters they have been in. That being said, everyone knows how thrones loves to destroy what we love. It would be such an HBO/R.R. Martin move to kill them off. Who has both the honor, and the proven ability to rule and govern the people of Westeros? None other than the half man himself, Tyrion Lanister. Right now Tyrion is +1000. Unreal. That 100 bucks to win 1000. If you’re a betting man (or women), than this bet has to turn you on. This is not only realistic but also a big time money maker. Sure you could make the boring pick of Jon or Danny, but hey live a little, put your money where my mouth is. Because once this show is over, and Tyrion is sitting on the iron throne, you’ll be sitting there looking for the rope store not only because Jon and Danny got killed off, but because you did not take my advice and bet the mortgage on the Imp. I am surprised however how little respect Cersei Lannister is generating.

Here are the first look odds on which Game Of Thrones Character Will Die.

Mybookie Game Of Thrones Season 8

Now this one is a bit more interesting. Soooo many ways that the show could take this one. I think an obvious pick here is Yara. Last time we saw her she was getting dragged away by Euron Grey. They never said that she was dead but lets be honest. She isn’t that important of a character and it would be so easy for HBO to kill her ass off immediately. But like I said earlier this pick is so bland that its not even worth it. If you’re looking for a money maker, I think the best choice here is Gendry +1400 to die first. Who doesn’t love Gendry? Great guy, loved him when he was on the show. Still loved him when he didn’t appear for 2, or was it 3 seasons? I don’t know, doesn’t matter. What matters is that he is back. The brought him back last season and everyone was hype. “Oh yeah Jon and Gendry going to fuck up some white walkers this will be sick!”. Well Gendry got hurt almost instantly. Can’t quite remember what happened but he was immediately sidelined. Lets be real here, the guy is a bigger liability on the battlefield than Ryan Gosling was a cornerback in Remember the Titans. He is also a fan favorite and we all know what they like to do to fan favorites. All this taken into consideration I think you have to put your money on Gendry here.

Mybookie Game Of Thrones Game Of Thrones

All this being said, we really have no clue what HBO is going to do with this next and final season. All we know is that this season is going to blow our minds, just hopefully not our bank accounts.